Today’s campaigns have more options than ever to talk to voters. Nevertheless, targeted and creative direct mail continues to be an effective campaign tool. SMV designs and targets direct mail for candidates, ballot measures, independent expenditures, labor unions, and others. We deliver the right message to the right voter.
Our direct mail campaigns are visually captivating, based on research, polling, and voter modeling, and contain messages that are uniquely tailored to our targeted households. Your mail budget will be used in the most effective and cost-efficient manner.
Mail is an effective tool in any campaign. We work with our clients to ensure that their budget is used in the most effective manner to target likely voters, members, activists, etc.
Direct mail is a tried and true method of communicating straight to your targeted audience. Effective candidate mail is striking, concise and strategic. At SMV, we handle every aspect of direct mail in house, from strategic targeting to copywriting and graphic design, we create mail that works for you. Compelling mail reflects your campaigns’ brand identity while serving as a support for other campaign activities. Whether it’s reinforcing your door to door program, boosting fundraising or supporting your digital footprint, we work with you to create an integrated direct mail program.
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From statewide and local ballot measures to citizens initiative petitions, SMV works with your committee to develop research-driven direct mail programs that inform and persuade your targeted audience. Our in-house team of copy-writers, graphic designers and messaging experts work with your committee to produce a program that is educational and eye-catching.
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Union members are a captive target audience for direct mail communications. When they receive information from their respective local, they know it is essential information that will be relevant for their day to day life. This awareness fosters a major opportunity for union locals to increase their brand awareness among members with member to member direct mail communication. Whether you are providing updates on pensions and benefits, informing members of an upcoming election or sending a meeting “Save the Date”, the team at SMV will help strengthen the line of communication between your local and the members that make it work.
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Independent expenditure committees face a unique set of challenges. Creating a unique campaign brand that is separate from the candidate’s campaign, yet easily identifiable, is key for success. At SMV, we have the experience and team to help your committee create an exclusive identity and message that resonates with your targeted audience. Our in-house creative team will tailor your independent vision into a cohesive and effective direct mail program.
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